"������ ��������� ������ �ʿ���. �����͵� ��� ��. ������ �غ� �ȵDZ� ���� �ҷ���,�켱 �������� �غ��� �ּ���... "How would you like to be at the beach, catching the last breath of the fleeting Summer - showing off your skin or wearing your latest bathing suit? Or maybe...nothing at all? Deceomber 5th, Friday 9 PM Admission Fee : 10,000 Won (incl. 1 drink) Dress Code: The sexiest outfits win super prices! Lucky Draw, Drink Specials and Surprise Entertainment and much much MORE are waiting for you... So - c u at SOHO, 5th October October..... CHEERS JAY AND THE SOHO CREW...<���������..>
In the opposite from Hamilton Hotel,
Walk towards the Fire Station.Turn right in front of the Fire Station and walk up the street.The second little street on your left, turn in again.And walk up the hill until you see SOHO.